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Media enquiries

Please email Ken Lewis, Manager - Communications & Engagement:

Alternatively you can call 0800 920 029 and ask to speak to the Communications Team.

Enquiries from journalists and media organisations

To allow staff to focus on their core roles, we ask journalists and other media professionals to direct enquiries to the Communications Team only. We will source the information and comment you require as quickly as possible.

If you require comment from the Mayor, a Councillor or Community Board member, please contact them directly. Their contact details can be found here.

Response times

For daily newspapers, broadcast and online media our goal is to respond within 24 hours of receiving an enquiry. For other media, the goal is to respond within 48 hours.

We will update you if we cannot meet those deadlines.

Where appropriate your request may be considered under the provisions of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act (LGOIMA).  You will be contacted by staff from the appropriate team to acknowledge and respond to your request.

Follow this link to lodge an official or personal information request.

Last updated: 22 Apr 2024 7:03pm