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Parking fines get a rev up

Drivers who misuse Far North mobility parking spaces will face a fine of $750 – up from $150 – as part of central government’s changes to infringement fees.

The updated fees come into effect from 1 October 2024 - the first increase in parking infringement fees in two decades. Fees for towing and impoundment are also rising in line with inflation.

The coalition government’s Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston says the increase for wrongly parking in a disability parking space reflects the seriousness of the offence, describing those who misuse disability spaces as “the epitome of arrogance”.

Nearly 40 parking infringements will see fines increased including overstaying in a parking area, parking without due care and attention, parking a non-electric vehicle in an area for charging electric vehicles, parking on a pedestrian crossing, obstructing an entrance or exit of a driveway, failure to dip headlights when the vehicle is parked, parking in a loading zone, and parking on broken yellow lines.

Overstaying in a car park for less than 30 minutes will increase from $12 to $20 while overstaying for more than six hours will rise from $57 to $97. Parking without due care and attention, parking a non-electric vehicle in a charging space, or parking on a pedestrian crossing will each land drivers with a fine of $100, up from $60.

Obstructing a driveway or parking in a loading zone will now cost $70, up from $40. Parking on broken yellow lines will see a fine of $100, up from $60, and failure to dip headlights when parked will land a fine of $255, an increase from $150.

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Pictured: Drivers wrongly parking in a mobility space face a fine of $750.