Control of Earthworks Bylaw review

Far North District Council is looking for feedback on a review of the Control of Earthworks Bylaw 2019 and online submissions open on Monday 10 February.
The bylaw’s intent is to manage earthworks to protect the public, environment and neighbouring properties. Submissions can be made via the consultation webpage.
The council requires a legal framework to manage and control earthworks on private property where a resource consent is not required under the District Plan. This is to control erosion and sedimentation created by that work.
This consultation is part of the normal review process required by legislation within five years of the bylaw’s creation. The consultation will run for one month closing on Wednesday 13 March.
Any person that may be affected by, or has an interest in the Control of Earthworks Bylaw, is encouraged to submit their views, either as an individual or on behalf of an organisation.
You can find out more on the proposal here.