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Taipā Point improvements move up a gear

Work is now underway to upgrade the carpark around the boat ramp at Taipā Point.

The carpark upgrade includes wheelchair accessible parks, designated boat trailer parks, and public toilets.

Council contractors, Far North Roading are working on site and have closed the construction area, however, the boat ramp and another parking area will remain accessible with a priority give-way system to manage traffic. The work is on schedule to be finished in time for the Easter holidays, with sealing anticipated to be done in the first week of April.

These upgrades are a part of round seven of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF) which received funding towards remedial works to Taipā Beachfront. This project is working in conjunction with the Taipā placemaking plan which focusses on upgrading the existing waterfront.

The works include managing the stormwater flow and incorporates soakage pits and rain gardens to reduce the impacts of stormwater on the reserve. Traffic safety and mobility access are also incorporated.

The protection of Pohutukawa trees on Taipā point is also a priority, they have had damage from water pooling around their root systems and the weight of vehicles has taken a toll on the condition of the trees.

The upgrades will improve facilities at Taipā Point and enhance the area for both residents and visitors by making parking easier.