Heritage Areas

This consultation has now closed.
The Proposed District Plan will be notified for submissions on Wednesday 27 July, 2022. Submissions will be received until Friday 21 October, 2022.
The chapters on Heritage area overlays and Historic heritage can be found in Part 2 - District Wide Matters of the Proposed District Plan. Visit pdp.fndc.govt.nz to read the Heritage Section 32 evaluation report, learn about next steps and find out how to make a submission on the plan.
The Council has a District Plan to sustainably manage natural and physical resources in the Far North. This plan is over 10 years old. It is being reviewed. A draft District Plan was made available for informal feedback in March 2021.
We are suggesting some changes to the way we protect existing heritage precincts.
As part of the review, we commissioned an independent expert to assess and report on our existing heritage precincts. We are suggesting changes based on advice from these reports. The changes are included in the draft District Plan that we released for feedback in March 2021. We want to check in again with affected communities now that we have reviewed that feedback. We want to better understand the nine heritage areas.
We must protect heritage, but we’re not locked into doing it in a particular way. We will consider alternative approaches if the community can demonstrate there are better means of achieving the outcomes required under the Resource Management Act 1991. We want to understand and consider community preference before we notify the proposed District Plan, after which communities can make formal submissions.
We held an online information session on Friday 1 October to talk about the draft areas, to listen to community concerns and to respond to questions. You can view a recording of that session on our YouTube channel.