Kerikeri off-leash dog park

This consultation is now closed. Submissions were open for four weeks from Thursday 24 November 2022.
Council is investigating options for a new dog park in Kerikeri. We would like your feedback to help us understand the need for a dog park and community priorities for a dog park.
There are 236 council-owned reserves within 10km of Kerikeri township. Of these reserves, one stood out as the most suitable in land area, terrain and location for a designated off-leash dog park. This land is located at the end of Waitotara Drive.
We have developed two draft concepts that we would like your feedback on. Option 1 covers minimum requirements while option 2 includes additional possibilities that are seen in popular dog parks across the country. To achieve option 2, we would need to consider alternative options for resourcing the project such as community volunteer support. This is because the funding allocated to this project would not cover the extras in the second option. Please let us know in the survey below if you would be interested in supporting this project as a volunteer.