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Long Term Plan 2021-31

This consultation is now closed.

Kōrero mai ki te pae tawhiti!

The Long Term Plan is the Council's key strategic planning document. It sets out what the Council plans to do over the next 10 years and how it will pay for these. It is reviewed every three years.

We must consider what we prioritise now to support people’s social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing. That means making sure our services – such as our water network, roading, libraries and playgrounds – are fit for purpose, and that we can afford to pay for them. We have some significant issues that we need your feedback on. The big one is a review of our rates system

The consultation period closed 6 April. Hearings took place 20-23 April. Deliberations were on Thursday 13 May. The meeting was livestreamed. A recording can be viewed on our YouTube channel.

The Long Term Plan 2021-31 has now been adopted and came into effect on 1 July 2021. You can read the full document here: Long Term Plan 2021-31