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Project background

The council adopted the Reserve Management Plan (RMP) in June 2019 after a three month community consultation in 2018/19.

A phased approach

The RMP provides direction for the management and development of the Domain and outlines priorities for the short term (1 to 3 years), medium term (3 to 5 years) and long term (5 to10 years).  The focus for this stage of the project is to deliver as many of the 1 to 5 year priorities as possible.

In the agreement with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) which administers the fund, a concept plan was created. The following projects were given the go ahead:

  • creating a concept design plan
  • creating new play and recreation areas
  • replacing skateboard and basketball facilities
  • upgrading lighting, landscaping and additional seating
  • conducting a feasibility study of a future potential building.

Space has been set aside for the war memorial, donated by the now disbanded Kerikeri RSA.

Community engagement

The Kerikeri Domain Working Group, formed in mid-2020, and a project team confirmed these project priorities with representatives of about 30 domain user groups at a community workshop in October 2020. The concept plans were unveiled at a community meeting and BBQ at the Domain in February 2021.

Previous priority progress

The Kerikeri Domain Working Group and project team progressed the priority projects listed below.

  • Commencing the feasibility study for a multi-purpose, community building to replace the pavilion.
  • The design of new basketball courts and skate park.
  • The design of a new play and recreation areas.
  • Planning of improved vehicle access to the Domain.
  • Planning of lighting, landscaping, walking path, shade structures, and the RSA Memorial Wall.

How were the priority projects selected?

These projects were identified by the Kerikeri Domain Working Group in consultation with community groups and key stakeholders representing Domain user groups.  The working group was formed by the Council in mid-2020 to oversee delivery of the projects within Government-specified timeframes. Its members include Councillors Rachel Smith and David Clendon, Community Board members Dave Hookway-Kopa, Frank Owen and Lane Ayr, and senior Council staff.

What about the Pavilion?

There is provision within the Reserve Management Plan for a multi-purpose, community building to replace the Pavilion which was damaged by fire in 2016 and removed in December 2019. A feasibility study for a new building will be undertaken to work through funding options over time.

What community consultation has occurred?

The Council consulted on the Reserve Management Plan from December 2018 through to March 2019. It received 151 submissions from the community including sports clubs, ratepayer associations, the Ministry of Education, and Northland District Health Board.  The plan was adopted by the Council in June 2019.  The Reserve Management Plan set the objectives for the Domain and it provides direction on the day-to-day and long-term management.  The working group and project team have reflected the Reserve Management Plan objectives in concept plans for the project.

How were the concept plans developed?

A two-day papamahi (workshop) conducted by Kaikohe-based design studio ĀKAU was held in December 2020 with Kerikeri taitamariki (years 5-10). Over two days, students were encouraged through art, design and storytelling to explore concepts that would uplift the face, mana and mauri of Kerikeri Domain. The Domain is very important to them and they were highly-engaged in how they could contribute to the development of an overall concept plan.  Following this, ĀKAU integrated the feedback and material from all engagement phases and produced the layout and concept plan for Kerikeri Domain.

What themes emerged during consultation on the concept plan?

The following themes and design responses reflect what was received during the tamariki papamahi, the stakeholder meeting, and align with the objectives long-term objectives for Kerikeri Domain:

History and heritage

  • Formalise the Domain’s main entrance and include interpretive signage/artwork/installation
  • Explore formal references to Kerikeri heritage, through design of objects and structures around the Domain

Community and diversity

  • Interlink functions within the Domain to encourage connections between different users
  • Work with different user groups to design unique features within the various proposed space

Landscape and biodiversity

  • Focus future planting on native species, especially species significant to the Kerikeri area.
  • Integrate planting into the design of all new spaces, particularly the playground
  • Design objects and structures that reference local landscape features, such as volcanic rocks, waterfalls and rivers

Fun and safety for the whole whanau

  • Improve and add to existing active amenities, such as the playground, water feature, basketball court and skate park
  • Ensure that passive amenities (seating, lighting, shade, shelter, bins, drinking fountains) are provided throughout the Domain
  • Maintain sightlines and increase sense of safety at night

How will the cultural history of the Domain be shown?

It is envisaged there will be a sequence of elements representing heritage and tupuna, leading to Te Whiringa o Manoko – the Chris Booth rock sculpture.

Where will the RSA memorial be located?

We are working with a local representative on the placement and the general agreement between parties is site 11 (between the Procter Library and Te Whiringa o Manoko) on the concept plan.

Will there be an area to exercise dogs?

There will not be an exercise area for dogs within the Domain. However, under the Council’s Dog Management Policy and Bylaw, dog-owners may walk their dogs in the Domain as long as they keep them on a lead and they clean up after them.

Will the Domain remain open during the works?

Yes, the Domain will remain open while works are underway, however certain sections will be closed to safely secure active construction areas. These will only remain closed during construction.  Works on the new playground will be staged so that existing playground can remain open while the new playground is being built.

Will there be vehicle access to the Kerikeri Domain?

Yes, vehicle access will be available for event days via a new Cobham Road entry close to the skatepark perimeter.  Access for emergency services will also be maintained.

What other improvements will there be?

Other improvements include drinking fountains, seating and shelters so Domain users can shelter form the rain.

Last updated: 03 Jul 2024 1:17pm