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Toilets - Wharepaku

Waiotararei toilets are temporarily closed due to water supply issues.

Lindvart Park: Kaikohe public toilets are temporarily closed due to blockages.

Waipapa Landing toilets are closed temporarily due to critical pump failures.

Haruru Falls toilets are closed temporarily due to electrical faults.

Rarawa Domain toilets are closed temporarily due to ongoing vandalism.

*The status of these toilets will be updated once further information is available.

If you have identified further issues with any of our Council facilities, please contact us and raise a Request for Service using the link below. In the interim, please seek the next nearest public toilet - these can be found using the map link below.

The council maintains public toilets at various locations throughout the district.

In urban areas, the toilets are open everyday 7.00am-8.00pm. In rural areas, they are open 24 hours.

If you discover any issues with Council-maintained public toilets, please raise these by using our contact form.

Community facilities map

Find public toilet locations from around the district with out map below or open in full-screen mode.

Last updated: 04 Mar 2025 2:54pm