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Kaitāia resource consent renewal


Project details

Discharges from the Kaitāia wastewater treatment plant are managed by three discharge consents, one is for odour to air and the others are for seepage from the bottom of the treatment ponds and discharge of treated wastewater into to the Awanui River.

An application to renew these consents has been made to the Northland Regional Council (NRC). A copy of the application and supporting documents are below.

Project milestones

The application was publicly notified on 29 February 2024 in the Northern Age and on Northland Regional Council's (NRC) website.  While the notification process is entirely managed by the NRC, below are some important steps in this process to be aware of:

  • The period for making submissions is 20 working days from the date of notification.
  • The submission must be in the prescribed form (Form 13) which will be available where the hard copy application can be viewed from any of the respective NRC offices, and on NRC's website (see link to website below). This includes the NRC Office at 192 Commerce Street, Kaitaia.  The public notice will advise you where to find the other offices across the region.
  • Submissions must be served on both the Northland Regional Council as the Consenting Authority and Far North District Council as the Applicant. Service addresses will be on the public notice and includes the option to serve via email.

Once the submission period closes, NRC will advise the date and location of a hearing if one is to be held.  A date for the hearing has not yet been set.

Please head to NRC's website to keep informed on notification and continued processing of this application here Notified resource consents - Northland Regional Council (nrc.govt.nz).

The Ministry for the Environment provides useful information about the resource consent process.

Project documents

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Bonnetts Road, Kaitaia 0410  View Map

Last updated: 02 Apr 2024 4:18pm