Community shapes Kaikohe Library and Civic Hub

Community suggestions such as interactive displays, a café, a community kitchen and garden areas are all being considered as part of the mix by designers of the new Kaikohe Library and Civic Hub.
The new facility, to be located at the intersection of Broadway and Raihara Street, is set to transform the main street of Kaikohe with a team of architects, landscape architects and designers, including Kaikohe’s own ĀKAU design studio, working on the initial design.
A first chance to see what the new hub could look like, and the facilities included, is due in November when the initial design will be released.
During consultation with the community about the design of the long-awaited hub, the council gathered feedback from 1045 respondents. Design studio ĀKAU then ran a series of papamahi (workshops), applying a kaupapa Māori lens to work through design ideas. Taitamariki from five local schools, community members, and Ngā Hapū o Kaikohekohe – a collective of six hapū in Kaikohe – all lent their expertise and creativity to the process, which encourages participants to stay involved in the project.
The community’s suggestions for spaces in the hub also included a gaming area, sensory spaces, a technology room, and a kōhanga (creche).
An important design consideration for this project has been the relationship between the project site and the rūnanga whenua which sits adjacent to it. Ensuring there is a connection between the neighbouring sites has been a priority.
The project to create a library and civic hub in Kaikohe was gifted the name Te Āta Haere by local hapū as it references moving with intention, respect and integrity while valuing relationships and good processes.
For more information about the project visit our website.
Photos below - design ideas from the community papamahi.