Te Pātukurea - Kerikeri Waipapa Spatial Plan
For public consultation under the Special Consultative Procedure of the Local Government Act 2002
Have we got it right? / E tika ana rānei tā mātou
In 2024, we asked you what you thought the future of Kerikeri and Waipapa should look like.
Using your feedback, we have created a draft plan, Te Pātukurea, which will shape how these areas grow and develop over the next 30+ years.
Now, we’re coming back to you to make sure we’ve got it right.
Here’s what we are proposing / Anei tā mātou e whakatakoto nei
Some of the key elements in the draft plan include:
- Providing for the development of townhouses, duplexes and small apartments in the centres of Kerikeri and Waipapa.
- Creating opportunities for new transport connections, parks and green spaces, and recreational and community facilities along with improvements the health of waterways and biodiversity.
- Allowing for more commercial development in both Kerikeri and Waipapa.
- Redirecting growth into the centres of Kerikeri and Waipapa rather than in rural areas.
Click to see the draft spatial plan and have your say
We’re coming to you / E tae atu ana mātou ki a koe
You can visit us at one of our pop-up events to discuss the draft spatial plan and fill out a submission form. We’ll be at:
- The Old Packhouse Markets Kerikeri – Saturday 22 March from 8am -1pm
- Kerikeri Main Street in front of the Ray White office – Wednesday 26 March from 10am - 2pm
- The Ahuareka Festival at Otiria Marae - Saturday 29 March from 9am - 3pm
- Bunnings in Waipapa – Friday 4 April from 10am – 2pm
- New World Kerikeri – Saturday 5 April from 10am - 2pm
- The Warehouse in Waipapa – Wednesday 9 April from 10am - 2pm
We hope to see you there.
Have your say / Kōrerotia mai ōu whakaaro
You can also tell us what you think of the draft spatial plan:
- Online submissions: Click here to have your say
- Email us: kwsp@fndc.govt.nz
- In person: Drop off a submission form at any FNDC service centre or library. (Our friendly customer service team can also print it for you.)
- By mail: Far North District Council, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440
- Directly to councillors: on 1 & 2 May 2025 at the Turner Centre in Kerikeri. If you wish to do this, please select 'I wish to present my submission verbally’ on the submission form and our team will be in touch.
We must receive your submission by April 22, 2025.
Frequently asked questions
We're creating a plan for the future of Kerikeri-Waipapa, Te Pātukurea, which will shape how these areas grow and develop over the next 30+ years.
The plan will influence:
- The look and feel of our communities
- Where and how we live
- How we get around
- Where we work
- How we protect and care for our environment
Right now, Te Pātukurea is in a draft phase. We need your feedback to make sure we’ve got it right before we can finalise it and present it to Council for adoption.
No, the current version of Te Pātukurea is a draft only. It has been developed using the feedback you provided in 2024 about what is important for the future of Kerikeri and Waipapa. We are coming back to you know to make sure we’ve got it right and the plan reflects the aspirations of the community.
We’ll take the submissions you provide on the draft spatial plan and use it to make any changes needed to the plan before finalising it.
Once it is finalised, the plan will be presented to Council for adoption in mid-2025.
In 2024, we shared six growth scenarios with you which considered what the future could look like for Kerikeri and Waipapa. We asked you to tell us which scenario you preferred and why, and what an ideal future for Kerikeri and Waipapa looked like to you.
In total, we received 771 pieces of feedback including:
- 187 online survey responses
- 176 comments on the interactive have-your-say scenario mapping tool
- 16 hard-copy surveys
- 208 comments / responses via social media
- 17 letter submissions via email
- 88 post-it notes on growth scenario maps at events
- 95 people included in rangatahi engagement sessions
A big thank you to everyone who provided their feedback.
In 2022, in partnership with Te Pātukurea Hapū Rōpū, and in consultation with partners, stakeholders and community groups, we began the development of the Te Pātukurea. This started with the development of a vision, emerging themes and aspirations as well as initial scenario-testing.
Then, in 2023, we went out to the community to test these themes and aspirations to understand if we've got them right and to check if we've missed anything. We also reviewed submissions to the Proposed District Plan. The original submission period for the Proposed District Plan was in 2022 and further submissions in 2023.
Using this feedback and underpinning it with evidence, in 2024, we developed several growth options which tested different possible futures for Kerikeri-Waipapa. This feedback has been used to shape the draft spatial plan and we are now looking to get your input again so we can make sure we’ve got the plan for our future right.
We’ll use your feedback from this final round of engagement to update and finalise the spatial plan before it is presented to Council in mid-2025 for adoption.
Alongside Te Pātukurea, we are in the process of developing an implementation plan which outlines the actions Council will take to bring the plan to life. It is broken down into short, medium and long term actions. You can take a look at the implementation plan here.
Project Documents
This page will be updated as the project develops. If you have any questions about the project, contact the Growth Planning and Placemaking Team at kwsp@fndc.govt.nz. To stay informed and receive email updates, sign up here.