Te Rarawa Rugby Club Lease
Feedback period closes 5.00pm, Tuesday 30 April 2024

We are seeking feedback on a proposal to grant a new 30-year ground lease for Te Rarawa Rugby Club over part of the Rarawa Memorial Domain Recreation Reserve in Ahipara.
Te Rarawa Rugby Club has been in the community for 38 years and wants to continue serving the community at its current location.
The club currently provides a wide range of sporting and recreational activities for all ages. It supports junior rugby teams, summer touch rugby modules, and fosters fitness within the wider community. The sports ground and facilities serve as a hub for community events, meetings, and gatherings and plays an important role in Ahipara.
The proposed lease comprises two 15-year terms.
Your opinion matters. Under the Reserves Act, the council must notify the public of any proposal to lease a Recreation Reserve and seek feedback before it makes a decision.
How can I have a say?
To share your feedback, complete the survey below.
While we prefer you to give your feedback online, you can download our print-friendly survey form here and send it to us:
- By email: submissions@fndc.govt.nz
- In person: Drop off the survey at any FNDC service centre or library (you can ask our friendly customer service team to print the survey for you)
- By mail: Far North District Council, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, ATTN: Submissions Alternatively, you can request to share your feedback verbally by emailing us at submissions@fndc.govt.nz.
Note: any submissions that are out of scope, offensive, inappropriate, or late will not be accepted in accordance with our Submissions Policy.