Hearing 9 - Rural, Horticulture & Horticulture Processing
Hearing 9 for the Proposed District Plan will cover the Rural, Horticulture & Horticulture Processing topics.
Hearing Details
Date: Monday 2 - Thursday 5 December 2024
Venue: Scenic Hotel Bay of Islands, 58 Seaview Road, Paihia 0200
Hearing Panel: Robert Scott (Chairperson), Alan Watson, Peter Kensington and Steve McNally
Hearing Timetable
Video Recording Links
Hearing 9 Monday 2 December Early Morning Session
Hearing 9 Monday 2 December Late Morning Session
Hearing 9 Monday 2 December Early Afternoon Session
Hearing 9 Monday 2 December Late Afternoon Session
Hearing 9 Tuesday 3 December Early Morning Session
Hearing 9 Tuesday 3 December Late Morning Session
Hearing 9 Tuesday 3 December Afternoon Session
Hearing 9 Wednesday 4 December Early Morning Session
Hearing 9 Wednesday 4 December Late Morning Session
Hearing 9 Wednesday 4 December Afternoon Session
Hearing 9 Thursday 5 December Morning Session - Part 1
Hearing 9 Thursday 5 December Morning Session - Part 2
Hearing 9 Thursday 5 December Afternoon Session
Notice of Hearing
Council Reports and Supporting Material
Section 42A Reports
Rural Wide Issues and the Rural Production Zone
S42A Report Rural Wide Issues and the Rural Production Zone
Appendix 1.1 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Rural Production)
Appendix 1.2 Officer's Recommended Amendments to Definitions (Rural)
Appendix 2 Officer's Recommended Decisions on Submissions (Rural Wide Issues and the Rural Production Zone)
Appendix 3 Support Maps (Rural Wide Issues and the Rural Production Zone)
Appendix 4 NPS-HPL alignment analysis
Rural Lifestyle Zone
S42A Report Rural Lifestyle Zone
Appendix 1.1 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Rural Lifestyle Zone)
Appendix 1.2 Officer's Recommended Amendments to Definitions (Rural Lifestyle Zone)
Appendix 2 Officer's Recommended Decisions on Submissions (Rural Lifestyle Zone)
Rural Residential Zone
S42A Report Rural Residential Zone
Appendix 1 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Rural Residential Zone)
Appendix 2 Officer's Recommended Decisions on Submissions (Rural Residential Zone)
Addendum to Rural Residential Zone S42A report
Settlement Zone
S42A Report Settlement Zone
Appendix 1 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Settlement Zone)
Appendix 2 Officer's Recommended Decisions on Submissions (Settlement Zone)
Horticulture Processing Facilities Zone
S42A Report Horticulture Processing Facilities Zone
Appendix 1 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Horticulture Processing Facilities Zone)
Appendix 2 Officer's Recommended Decisions on Submissions (Horticulture Processing Facilities Zone)
Horticulture Zone
S42A Report Horticulture Zone
Appendix 1.1 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Horticulture Zone)
Appendix 1.2 Officer's Recommended Amendments to the Subdivsion Chapter (Horticulture Zone)
Appendix 2 Officer's Recommended Decisions on Submissions (Horticulture Zone)
Economics Evidence
S42A Report Writer Introduction
S42A Report Writer Introduction
S42A Report Writers Right of Reply
S42A Report Writers Right of Reply Rural Zones
Appendix 1 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Rural Production Zone, Right of Reply)
Appendix 2 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Rural Lifestyle Zone, Right of Reply)
Appendix 3 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Rural Residential Zone, Right of Reply)
Appendix 4 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Settlement Zone, Right of Reply)
Appendix 5 Officer's Recommended Amendments (Horticulture Processing Facilities Zone, Right of Reply)
Appendix 6 Officer's Recommended Amendments to Definitions and SUB-S1 (Rural, Right of Reply)
Appendix 7 Recommended mapping of Heavy Industrial Zone setback
Submitter Materials
Submitter Material & Evidence (Pre-circulated)
Submitters Appearing at the Hearing
Audrey Campbell-Frear, S209, FS172 - D Foy, Economics evidence
Audrey Campbell-Frear, S209, FS172 - I Hanmore, Soils evidence
Audrey Campbell-Frear, S209, FS172 - M McGrath, Planning evidence
Audrey Campbell-Frear, S209, FS172 - M McGrath, Supplementary Planning evidence, Recommended RPROZ Provisions
Bentzen Farm Ltd, S167 - R Cathcart, Land Use Capability evidence
S167, 168, 187, 243, 333, 230 - P Hall, Planning evidence
Cavalli Properties Ltd, S177 - B Putt, Planning evidence*
Cavalli Properties Ltd, S177 - B Putt, Supplementary planning evidence*
Cavalli Properties Ltd, S177 - Pat Durham (Lay evidence) *
Cavalli Properties Ltd, S177 - Rob Mihaljevich (Lay evidence)*
Cavalli Properties Ltd, S177 - Shelby Young (Lay evidence)*
*Note: Cavalli Properties (S177) will speak to their submission on Hearing 4 matters at Hearing 9, as approved by the Panel Chair
Fiona King and others, FS155 - Hearing statement
Foodstuffs North Island Limited, S363, FS542 - D Badham, Planning evidence
Frederick Laurence and Ellen June Voigt, FS99 - Evidence
Horticulture New Zealand, S159, FS354 - S Cameron, Industry statement
Horticulture New Zealand, S159, FS354 - V Hodgson, Planning evidence
KiwiRail Holdings Limited, S416 - C Heppelthwaite, Planning evidence
KiwiRail Holdings Limited, S416 - C Heppelthwaite, Attachment A amended
KiwiRail Holdings Limited, S416 - M Paetz, Corporate evidence
New Zealand Pork Industry Board, S155 - H Ritchie, Industry evidence
New Zealand Pork Industry Board, S155 - V Hodgson, Planning evidence
Northland Federated Farmers of NZ, S421 - J Cook-Munro, Hearing statement
Northland Regional Council, S359, FS349 - I Kuindersma, Planning evidence
Waitangi Limited, S503 - R Jacobs, Planning evidence
Waitangi Limited, S503 - R Jacobs, Appendix 1, Planning evidence hearing 4
Submitters not Appearing at the Hearing
Fire and Emergency New Zealand, S512 - N Smart, Hearing statement
Gray Phillips, FS141 - Hearing statement
Meridian Farms Ltd, S403 and Breadon & Cook Ltd, S401 - J Henehan, Hearing statement
Neil Construction Limited, S349 - P Brown, Hearing statement
NZ Eco Farms Ltd, S456. FS364 - J Henehan, Hearing statement
Two M Investments Limited, S317 - S Sanson, Hearing statement
Ventia Ltd, S424 - A McPhee, Hearing statement
Waiaua Bay Farm Limited, S463, FS534 - S Tuck, Hearing statement
Waipapa Pine Limited, FS374 - A McPhee, Hearing statement
Willowridge Developments Limited, S250 - D Badham, Hearing statement
Submitter Material & Evidence (Produced at the Hearing)
Submitters Appearing at the Hearing
Audrey Campbell-Frear, S209, FS172 - M McGrath, Hearing presentation
Audrey Campbell-Frear, S209, FS172 - D Foy, Supplementary economics evidence
Audrey Campbell-Frear, S209, FS172 - S Shaw, Summary of legal submissions
Cavalli Properties (S177)
Operative planning map
Proposed planning map
Appendix 2 to Settlement zone s32 report (see page 2 for Matauri Bay)
Proposed settlement zone chapter (see final paragraph for overview on page 1)
Proposed general residential zone chapter (see generally page 1 overview & table references to infrastructure)
CNT, KCT, VKK - Hearing statement
Denis Thomson - Hearing statement
Fiona King and others, FS155 - Hearing statement
Foodstuffs North Island Limited, S363, FS542 - D Badham, Hearing presentation
Haigh Workman Ltd - J Papesch, Hearing statement
House Movers Section of the NZ Heavy Haulage Association Inc, S482 - J Bhana-Thomson, Hearing statement
Frederick Laurence and Ellen June Voigt, FS99 - L Voigt, Hearing statement
Lynley Newport - Hearing statement
Michael John Winch, S67 - Hearing statement
New Zealand Pork Industry Board, S155 - H Ritchie, Good Management Practices for Outdoor Pigs
Peter Malcolm, FS587 - Hearing presentation
Supplementary Submitter Material and Evidence (Produced after the Hearing on request of Hearing Panel)
Foodstuff North Island Limited, S363, FS542 - D Badham, Additional statement
Horticulture New Zealand, S159, FS354 - S Cameron, Supplementary material
Horticulture New Zealand, S159, FS354 - S Cameron, Maps
Legal Submissions
Audrey Campbell-Frear, S209, FS172 - S Shaw, Legal submission
Cavalli Properties Ltd, S177 - Alan Webb, Legal Submission
KiwiRail Holdings Limited, S416 - K Gunnell, Legal submission