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Far North Spaces & Places Plan 2021-2030

The Far North Spaces & Places Plan is a facility-focussed plan that helps support the regional strategy for play, active recreation and sport – Kōkiri ai te waka hourua. The regional strategy provides the high-level strategic framework to guide future decision making, with the district level plan providing more detailed guidance for the Far North part of the region. Both documents will help inform Far North District Council’s (FNDC) Long Term Plans (LTPs) and work programmes across the full range of sector organisations in the Far North District.

The purpose of the Far North Spaces & Places Plan 2021-2030 is to support the regional strategy by providing more specific, district level guidance for spaces and places (facilities) planning. It is largely focussed on built (rather than natural) sport, active recreation and play facilities in the Far North District. Planning for play, active recreation and sport facilities is important as the network of facilities provided in a district (and region) should be fit-forpurpose and sustainable. This plan, along with the regional strategy, provides a pathway to achieving a well-planned facilities network through:

* Reflecting on and considering the Far North District’s unique attributes, challenges and advantages.

* Identifying principles and criteria for assessing future spaces and places (facility) development priorities.

* Providing a picture of current and projected future facility demand and supply.

* Aligning with the regional strategy - Kōkiri ai te waka hourua.

* Providing clear recommendations to influence and guide future spaces and places planning, funding and development decisions.

Far North Spaces & Places (Facilities) Plan 2021-2030 PDF(PDF, 2MB)
Kōkiri ai Te Waka Hourua Strategy
Kōkiri ai Te Waka Hourua Strategy Document

Last updated: 15 Apr 2024 5:04am