Documents incorporated by reference - Proposed District Plan

This consultation has now closed.
We are proposing to incorporate a range of technical documents by reference in the Proposed District Plan, pursuant to Clause 34(2)(c) of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991.
The purpose of this consultation is to raise awareness of this material, which includes New Zealand Standards, the Council’s own Engineering Standards and other technical documents that will be referenced in the plan. All documents can be viewed online here, except New Zealand Standards (due to copyright restrictions).
Printed versions of these documents, including the New Zealand Standards, are available to view during normal business hours at Council’s Kaikohe headquarters at 5 Memorial Drive, Kaikohe, from 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday, and at other Far North District Council offices or libraries on request.
Copies of the New Zealand Standards listed below can be purchased from All other documents listed below can be purchased from Far North District Council’s Kaikohe and Kerikeri offices during normal business hours or downloaded from the website.