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Fire and Emergency New Zealand propose long-term lease

This consultation is now closed.  Submissions were open for four weeks from Monday  30  January 2023.

Fire & Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) and local volunteer firefighters provide an imperative service to communities in the Far North. FENZ have occupied four sites in the Far North for many years on council-owned land and have made significant capital investment into the stations in all four sites. FENZ have requested long-term lease of the land to justify future investment in the fire station facilities. We are seeking feedback from the community to determine if this is something that they support.

The four sites

  • 3985 State Highway 1, Northern Aupōuri, Pukenui
  • 699 Rangiputa Road, Karikari Peninsula
  • 721 Taupō Bay Road, Taupō Bay
  • 1089 Broadwood Road, Broadwood

The proposal

FENZ are requesting a new 30-year ground lease on all four sites as well as council transferring ownership of the buildings to FENZ. They are also requesting that the portion of 699 Rangiputa Road that FENZ occupy be reclassified from recreation reserve to local purpose reserve. FENZ will allow any existing arrangements involving shared space, access and occupancy with community groups to continue unabated.

Share your feedback

To submit on this proposal, you can complete our online survey, email submissions@fndc.govt.nz, post your written submission to Far North District Council, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, Attention: Property officer. Please let us know in your submission if you would like the opportunity to speak to your submission.