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Innovating Streets for People

This consultation is now closed.

Innovating Streets for People is a national programme funded by Waka Kotahi (New Zealand Transport Agency). It provides communities with the opportunity to trial changes that create more people-friendly spaces and make streets safer for whānau and tamariki.
These projects are about and for our communities.

You are invited to provide feedback so that we can make sure the projects are achieving their purpose. If the projects are successful, the changes may be applied permanently. For more information or to provide feedback on one of the projects in your town, click the relevant link below.

Moerewa Innovating Streets

The Moerewa Innovating Streets for People project has been installed outside Moerewa School and Otiria Marae on Otiria Road.

The Moerewa Innovating Streets for People project has been designed by ĀKAU studio, working with tamariki from Moerewa School. It includes tamariki-inspired graphics by local artist Lorraine King. The aim of the project is to slow traffic on Otiria Road and create safer spaces for tamariki outside Moerewa School.

We are seeking feedback from the community to see if the changes are working or if there are any further improvements we can make. Complete the survey below to let us know how you, your tamariki and mokopuna are finding the changes.

Kaikohe Innovating Streets

Find more information and provide feedback on the Kaikohe Innovating Streets for People project.

Kawakawa Innovating Streets

Find more information and provide feedback on the Kawakawa Innovating Streets for People project.