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Kerikeri Transport Choices funded by Waka Kotahi

Kerikeri Transport Choices funded by Waka Kotahi

This consultation is now closed.  Submissions were open for four weeks from Thursday 6 July to Thursday 3 August 2023.

Extending existing cycle and pedestrian facilities, creating new shared paths, and improving signage are part of this proposal.  The goal is to make walking and cycling around Kerikeri easier and safer, for both commuters and recreational users.

Waka Kotahi is committed to supporting sustainable and active modes of transport that deliver a range of benefits to residents and visitors.  Positive impacts include reduced traffic congestion, improved environmental outcomes, and improved health outcomes.  This proposal is part of the wider programme of work aimed at promoting sustainable transport options across New Zealand.

All residents and local stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback, including any concerns or suggestions for improvement.  Community feedback will help ensure the final plan reflects the needs and desires of people who live, work and play in Kerikeri.

Our four main focus areas are as follows.

Hone Heke Road Slow Street Improvements

We are proposing to widen footpaths, create safe intersection crossings, and introduce traffic calming measures on Hone Heke Road. This is proposed to include a new roundabout with zebra crossings at the intersection with Cobham Road. We want to support safe and healthy travel to and from schools on Hone Heke Road.

Kerikeri Road Cycleway Connections

We are proposing the construction of protected cycle lanes (uphill) and shared lanes markings (downhill) on Kerikeri Road between Hone Heke Road and the Stone Store.

Neighbourhood Greenways

We are proposing to provide connections, signage and wayfinding across several central Kerikeri Streets including Charlotte Kemp Ave, General Gates Ave, Hall Road, Ranui Ave, Cannon Drive, Campbell Lane, Limelight Lane and Shepherd Road as well as improving wayfinding for the Wairoa Stream Track. We are also proposing shared lane markings and traffic calming measures for Fairway Drive and Golfview Road.

Neighbourhood Cycling Connections

We are proposing to improve neighbourhood cycling connections by constructing a cycle/shared path adjacent to the existing Wairoa Stream walking path between Cobham Road and General Gates Ave.