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Original submissions

Key facts

  • The original submission period ran for 12.5 weeks and closed on 21 October 2022.
  • The original submission period resulted in the council receiving 580 submissions and more than 8,500 submission points.
  • The further submission process ran from Monday 7 August to Monday 4 September 2023.
  • Further submissions could only support or oppose submissions already made.
  • The further submission process was open for 20 working days (extended from the required 10 working days).

Background to PDP

The council is reviewing the current District Plan. This is the set of rules that control where you can undertake certain activities, and how land can be used, developed and subdivided. The District Plan affects all landowners and residents in the Far North.

In July last year, we proposed a new District Plan (Proposed District Plan) and asked landowners, the wider community, tangata whenua and stakeholders to provide their feedback.

Original submissions

Council planners prepared a summary of the original submissions. This is the easiest way to find an original submission.

Each original submission has a unique reference number, listed in the summary of submissions link below.

Spatial mapping tool

The spatial mapping tool has been produced to assist the public in understanding those submissions seeking spatial outcomes (such as rezoning) for specific properties, and has no legal weight.

All care has been taken to ensure the spatial mapping tool accurately reflects the relevant submission points.

However, please note that the council:

  • Does not guarantee the spatial tool gives the exact location of rezoning requests sought in submissions.
  • Will bear no liability for the use, reliance on or misuse of any information contained in the spatial mapping tool.
  • Recommends that, in addition to using the information provided in the spatial mapping tool, that the public read the original submissions.

You can access the spatial mapping tool here.

Last updated: 18 Sep 2024 2:15pm