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Hearings information

Summary of Decisions Requested 

You can access the Summary of Decisions Requested database - Summary of Decisions Requested tool. This allows people to see how original submissions have been summarised, what further submissions have been made on each submission point, and which reporting topic each submission point has been allocated to. Please refer to the user guide (in the top left corner) for information on how to use the database tool.

Far North District Council's Proposed District Plan Hearing Schedule & Information
Hearing StreamReporting Topic(s)Hearing Date
Hearing 1Strategic Direction, Tangata Whenua and Part 1 / General / MiscellaneousMonday 27 to Wednesday 29 May 2024
Hearing 2Airport, Hospital and Quail Ridge special purpose zonesTuesday 18 June 2024
Hearing 3Orongo Bay, Ngawha Innovation and Enterprise Park and Moturoa Island special purpose zonesTuesday 18 June 2024
Hearing 4Natural Character, Natural Features and Landscapes, Coastal Environment and Ecosystems & Indigenous BiodiversityMonday 5 to Thursday 8 August 2024
Hearing 5Activities on the Surface of Water and Public AccessTuesday 13  August  2024
Hearing 6/7General District-Wide Matters - Earthworks, Light, Noise, Signs & Temporary Activities and Genetically Modified Organisms & Mineral ExtractionMonday 21 to Thursday 24 October 2024
Hearing 8General Residential & Engineering StandardsMonday 25 to Thursday 28 November 2024
Hearing 9Rural, Horticulture & Horticulture ProcessingMonday 2 to Thursday 5 December 2024
Hearing 10Mixed Use & IndustrialMonday 10 to Wednesday 12 February 2025
Hearing 11Māori Purpose, Treaty Settlement & Carrington EstateMonday 24  - Thursday 27 March 2025
Hearing 12Energy, Infrastructure & TransportMonday 28 April – Thursday 1 May 2025
Hearing 13Historic and Cultural ValuesMonday 26  – Thursday 29 May 2025
Hearing 14Hazards and RisksMonday 23  – Wednesday 25 June 2025
Hearing 15DesignationsMonday 14 July 2025
Hearing 16Open Space & RecreationTuesday 15 - Wednesday 16 July 2025
Hearing 17Subdivision and Plan Variation MattersMonday 21 – Wednesday 23 July 2025
Hearing 18Interpretation & MappingMonday 28 – Tuesday 29 July 2025
Hearing 19Rezoning & Kauri Cliffs special purpose zoneMonday 25 – Thursday 28 August 2025
Hearing 20General, Miscellaneous, Sweep UpMonday 1 – Tuesday 2 September 2025

Last updated: 28 Aug 2024 10:40am