A growing appetite for success

Applications for funding are now open for projects and initiatives that champion food security in Northland.
Grants of up to $5000 are available through the Kai Ora Fund for community-driven projects that can strengthen the local food supply, run workshops and wānanga, develop marae and community gardens, and other sustainable food initiatives.
Established in 2015, the Kai Ora Fund aims to build strong, healthier communities that can future-proof themselves against disruption from weather events, economic instability or fuel shortages.
The organisation provides funding to community groups, whānau trusts, social enterprises and small businesses that drive projects that help Northlanders eat nutritious and sustainably sourced local kai.
Funding applications for 2025 are open now until the end of April.
“Our funding supports projects that are involved in the gathering, hunting and growing of kai and kai moana, as well as educational workshops, wānanga, and other initiatives focused on preserving our cultural heritage,” says Erana Peita, Kai Ora Funding coordinator at Mahitahi Haurora Primary Health Entity.
More than 150 projects have been funded in the Far North since the partnership was established, with more than half a million invested in the district.
Kai Ora is a multi-sector partnership made up of Far North District Council, Mahitahi Haurora Primary Health Entity, Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora - Ministry of Social Development, Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand, Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities, Kaipara District Council, Healthy Families Far North, Whangārei District Council, and Foundation North.
For more information or to apply, head to www.kaiorafund.com or email partners@kaiorafund.com. Applications close on 26 April 2025.