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Thank you Far North

If you haven’t already voted in the local body elections, I strongly urge you to do so today.

If you haven’t already voted in the local body elections, I strongly urge you to do so today. Voting is your opportunity to have a say who represents you, and how our district will progress. The deadline for getting your vote into the post has past, so to ensure you still have a say, place completed voting papers into one of numerous ballot boxes located around the district. You have until midday Saturday to make your voice heard. I will provide details on where you can find the nearest ballot box shortly.

First, I want to thank the people of the Far North for making me Mayor for the past nine years. I have worked in central and local government for 55 years, 35 of those as a politician. Without doubt, being Mayor of the Far North has been the absolute highlight of my career. I’ve loved the job and still do, but after nine years it’s time for someone else to captain the team. I use that term because being Mayor is a lot like leading a team. Unlike being a minister in central government where you expect decisions to be carried out, being Mayor is all about convincing your teammates. You may have strong views about how something should be done or the direction to take, but you need your fellow councillors to agree and to vote for that vision. Despite what some may imagine, a mayor cannot decide alone what should be done. A mayor cannot dictate; a mayor must listen to others, respect differences of opinion and must learn how to compromise to achieve majority decisions.

Our district has faced numerous challenges and has achieved much. After years of debate and false starts, our second largest town now has a water supply it can rely on and it means that regular summer water restrictions should now be a thing of the past. In February, Kaitāia was named the Most Beautiful Small Town in the country. This accolade was the result of years of hard work community leaders have put in and I’m happy the council played a part in that success. Investment in improved water supplies, playgrounds, sports facilities and much more is contributing to a growing sense of pride in Kaitāia. These improvements help create a place we all want to live in. While it’s hugely satisfying to see new infrastructure completed, for me, representing the Far North has always been about helping people. I want to thank the people of Te Hiku for giving me that opportunity.

Now it’s time for someone else to serve this great district. Make sure you vote for the person you want by taking voting papers to Te Ahu in Kaitāia, the John Butler Centre in Kerikeri, council headquarters in Kaikohe, or our Kāeo, Kawakawa and Rāwene service centres. On Saturday 8 October, ballot boxes will be available at Te Ahu, the John Butler Centre and the Kaikohe headquarters from 8am to midday when voting closes.

Mā te wā. Bye for now, see you later.