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Citizenship journey concludes in the Far North

Tears and laughter were among the myriad emotions that filled Memorial Hall in Kaikohe on Monday as 45 people officially became New Zealand citizens.

In a ceremony officiated by Far North Kahika (Mayor) Moko Tepania and assisted by Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, a crowd of around 60 whānau and friends attended to see loved ones complete their citizenship journey.

The new citizens came from more than 20 countries, including England, Wales, France, India, South Africa, Columbia, America, and Russia.

Kahika Tepania welcomed the new citizens, particularly emphasising how special it is to be a citizen of the Far North District as it is “a place of great cultural significance” and “a special part of New Zealand to call home”.

New citizens of all ages either recited an oath or pledged allegiance to New Zealand and King Charles III before being awarded a Certificate of Citizenship. Affirmations were available in both Te Reo Māori and English, with many choosing to take the oath in Te Reo Māori.

The ceremony concluded with the New Zealand national anthem and a “welcome to Aotearoa video”.

Images: Some of the new citizens and their friends and family who gathered at the Memorial Hall in Kaikohe on Monday 24 June for the Citizenship Ceremony.