Minutes and procedural matters
View the commissioners’ listed conflicts and interests relating to the Proposed District Plan.
Panel minutes
Review the minutes issued by the hearing panel
- Minute 1: Hearing procedures
- Minute 2: Decision on late submissions
- Minute 3: Confirmation of hearing schedule
- Minute 4: Engineering standards
- Minute 5: Waitangi Limited
- Minute 6: Revised hearing schedule
- Minute 7: Request for information - urban environment
- Minute 8: Revised hearing schedule
- Minute 9: Delays in responding to minute 7
- Minute 10: Procedure on late submission
- Minute 11: Expert conferencing for hearing 1 - contaminated land chapter
- Minute 12: Request to defer hearing 9 and 15A
- Minute 13: Infrastructure pre-hearing meetings
- Draft Minute 14: Rezoning criteria and process (please note this is superseded by Final Minute 14 issued 2 Dec 2024)
- Final Minute 14: Rezoning criteria and process
- Minute 15: Update to hearing 9 - Rural, Horticulture & Horticulture Processing
- Minute 16: Decision on late submission
- Minute 17: Update to =hearing 8 - Mineral Extraction
- Minute 18: Response to the memorandum of counsel for Cavalli Properties Limited
- Minute 19: Response to memorandum on the Carrington Estate Zone and updated hearing schedule
- Minute 20: Procedural matters for plan variation 1
- Minute 21: Update to hearing 8 - Mineral Extraction - questions to council planner
Submitter memoranda
Review memos issued by submitters
- Memorandum requesting amendments to hearing schedule from Kauri Cliffs Submitter
- Memorandum of counsel for Waitangi Limited
- Memorandum of counsel for Kiwi Fresh Orange Company Limited relating to minute 7 29 July 2024
- Memorandum of counsel for Kiwi Fresh Orange Company Limited relating to minute 7 23 September 2024
- Ara Poutama Aotearoa the Department of Corrections application for waiver
- Ara Poutama Aotearoa the Department of Corrections re-lodged further submission
- Memorandum of counsel for Audrey Campbell-Frear
- Email of counsel for Audrey Campbell-Frear
- Memorandum of counsel for Waiaua Bay Farm Limited
- Memorandum of counsel for Cavalli Properties Limited
- Joint Memorandum of counsel for Haititaimarangai Marae Kaitiaki Trust and Carrington Estate Jade LP and Carrington Farm Jade LP
Joint witness statements
Submitter responses to Panel Minute 14
- Audrey Campbell-Frear
- Bay of Islands Planning
- Doug Schmuck
- Fred Terry
- Jeff Kemp
- Kiwi Fresh Orange Company Limited
- Micah Donaldson
- Rob Sintes
Council memoranda
Review memos issued by the Council
- Council memorandum Infrastructure pre-hearing meetings summary
- Council memorandum procedural matters for plan variation 1
- Section 42A report on late submissions
- Housing and business development capacity assessment (HBA).
- Minute 7: Interim response of council 20 August 2024
- Minute 7: Interim response of council 11 September 2024
In addition to the above, the Clause 10A Timeframe Extension public notice and supporting information is available here.