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Monitoring strategy

Monitoring enables the Council to identify the significant resource management issues for the district and how they are changing. It will help determine whether the District Plan and the Council's decisions under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) are protecting our environment, maintaining and enhancing social, cultural and economic well-being and promoting sustainable management of our natural and physical resources.

Section 35 of the RMA requires the Council to monitor:

  • Compliance (in terms of permitted activities, resource consents and complaints);
  • District Plan efficiency and effectiveness;
  • The state of the environment; and
  • The exercise of functions, powers or duties that the Council has transferred or delegated to others.

Monitoring Strategy

Monitoring provides a feedback mechanism for the Council to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of planning processes and provides a quality control mechanism. Monitoring allows decision makers to see the impact policies can have on the environment.

Last updated: 02 Apr 2024 4:18pm