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Connected Northland

Council has engaged Connected Nation, a US-based non-profit organisation, to lead Connected Northland. Through Connected Northland, Connected Nation will deliver Drive and Digital Works.

Connected Northland will run from March-July 2021 and is a project that sits within the Nothing But Net Far North Digital Strategy.

This opportunity is only being offered in Northland, in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development, Northland Inc, Kaipara District Council, Whangarei District Council, Northland Regional Council and the Far North District Council and is being funded by a grant from the US State Department and the Far North District Council.

All of our libraries across Northland are supporting Connected Northland. If you don’t have a computer or your internet is slow, then head to your closest library and staff will be there to help.

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I don't have access to a computer or internet device

All of our libraries across Northland are supporting Connected Northland. If you don’t have a computer or your internet is slow, then head to your closest library and staff will be there to help.

Last updated: 22 Apr 2024 7:07pm