Far North making the grade

An estimated 200km of unsealed roads in the Far North will have grading work carried out over the next few months.
Grading around the district is already being done by Far North District Council (FNDC) contractors Ventia and Fulton Hogan, with around 50kms, involving more than 60 roads, being worked on over the coming weeks.
Once the cooler season kicks in, grading work will increase across the Far North, including pothole repair, recovering metal cast aside by traffic and reintegrating it back into the road, application of new metal, drainage maintenance, signage and vegetation control.
There are certain times of the year when grading has the greatest benefit. The best time is when the road is damp, which helps compact the road to a dense surface. Spring and autumn are ideal times.
Summer is not preferred as cutting into a dry, hard surface leaves a layer of loose material that turns to dust and can be blown away or thrown off by traffic unless followed by a water truck and roller, which is very expensive. Grading in winter is preferable depending on subsoil/foundation soil conditions, provided it is not too wet which cause conditions that are unsafe for motorists and take longer to dry out.
Traffic management warning signs will be in place along the stretches of roads while grading work is being carried out. Motorists are asked to follow the directions of contractors at the work sites, watch out for the grader, and reduce speed during and after the grader has been through.
The conditions on unsealed roads vary because of exposure to sun, rain, wind and often further compounded by traffic loads which can fluctuate because of changing land use. Motorists should always drive to the conditions as the roads can change rapidly.