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Road closures and restrictions

Corridor Access Request (CAR)

We have a Corridor Access Request (CAR) system, to ensure we know about all road openings on any road reserve in the district. Organisations or private contractors will need to have a CAR to work on, or use, areas within the road reserve (the carriageway, including the verge). This includes all work in, on, along, over, across or under the road.

To apply to have a road opened you need to complete the submission form on www.beforeudig.co.nz. The CAR must include the following:

  • Traffic management plan
  • Works plan
  • Copy of any public notification (if applicable)
  • Hazard Management Plan
  • Schedule of Special Conditions

We have created a schedule of Special Local Conditions to apply as an amendment to the national code Utilities Access to Road Corridors 2010. The council will enforce the necessity for a corridor access application, as well as compliance with the approved standards via a suitable council resolution.

Temporary road closures

To apply for a temporary road closure, you must apply in writing at least 8 weeks before the proposed start date and time, stating the affected area of proposed closure. Please use the temporary road closures application form. The information will be assessed by the council, NZ Police and Intercity. A Notice of Intention to Consider a Temporary Road Closure will be published in the local papers. If no objections are received and the closure is approved, a Notice of Closure will be published. The applicant will be invoiced for processing and advertising costs. See Fees and Charges.

Section 342 and the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974 gives councils the power to temporarily close any road to traffic (including pedestrian traffic). Councils can do this for parades, tree felling, sporting events etc. after consultation with the Police Traffic Safety Branch. The council is required to give public notice of its intention to consider temporarily closing a road, and again once the decision is confirmed to close it.

What if it is a State Highway?

State Highways are not within the scope of Far North District Council's operations. Applicants will need to approach the New Zealand Transport Agency.

Bridge weight limits

The council owns and maintains 732 bridges on the local road network. Timber bridges and bridges with weight and/or speed restrictions are inspected annually. All other bridges are inspected on a three-yearly cycle. These inspections identify where maintenance is required, and which bridges need to be replaced. Where necessary, we do structural analysis and weight and/or speed restrictions are posted on the structure to ensure safe use of the bridge.

Weight and/or speed restrictions

Numerous bridges within the Far North District have weight and/or speed restrictions for heavy vehicles due to their structural condition. All other bridges are able to convey the loads that are legally allowed on roads as described in the Vehicle Dimensions and Mass (VDAM) Rules published by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), with the possible exclusion of 50 MAX heavy vehicles.

View the weight and/or speed limits on bridges (PDF | 0.13 MB)

View the removed weight and/or speed limits on bridges
(PDF | 0.11 MB)

Last updated: 22 Nov 2024 4:44pm