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Bylaw licence applications

Licences can be obtained to permit the activities below.  Visit the bylaws library to read the bylaw relating to your application.

This application form is issued in accordance with the Far North District Council’s Control of the Use of Public Places bylaw.

Advertising Signs Application Form

To use public space for outdoor dining you must obtain approval from the Council. Before you apply please make sure you read the "Road Use Bylaw 2022" that can be found on the Council’s website. All applications must be made in the form set out below and be accompanied by a clear plan showing the proposed location of furniture of other items and a description of the materials and design of the furniture to be used. Your application can be delivered to any Council Office or by email to ask.us@fndc.govt.nz.

Application form for Gaming and TAB licence.

No person, in any public place, shall engage in the sale of goods of any description whatsoever without having first obtained approval from the Council.

Licence to keep bees under the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Council's General & Fire Bylaws.

The applicant must be the owner of the land, or the leaseholder, or a person who has agreed either conditionally or unconditionally to purchase the land or any leasehold.

Guide of the minimum standards for the operation of a temporary food stall.

Last updated: 08 Apr 2024 12:37pm