PART A - To adjust the boundaries between two existing titles in the Rural Living zone of the Operative Far North District Plan as a non-complying activity and the Kerikeri Heritage Area – Part B of the proposed Far North District Plan as a restricted discretionary activity. Consent is also sought to:
• cancel the right to convey sewage over ‘C’ on DP 404941 over Lot 3 DP 404941 in favour of Lot 4 DP 404941 ( easement instrument 7939493.5), and
• partially cancel easements ‘M’, ‘P’ and ‘Q’ on DP 404941 over Lot 4 DP 404941 insofar as they are appurtenant to Lot 3 DP 404941 and relate to rights of way; transmitting electricity, telecommunications and computer media; and conveying and draining water (easement instrument 7939493.5).
PART B - The applicant has not provided a preliminary site investigation or a detailed site investigation for the site which included a HAIL activity, therefore requiring consent as a discretionary activity