Deemed Permitted Activity
A proposal may be exempt from requiring resource consent if it is a boundary activity and the written approval of the adjoining owners has been obtained. This is referred to as a permitted boundary activity.
A boundary rule is a rule controlling the size or position of a structure in relation to the boundary of an adjoining property. A permitted boundary activity can infringe more than one boundary rule.
If the infringed boundary is a public boundary (e.g. roads, rail corridors, waterways) it is not a deemed permitted activity.
How to apply
1. Download application form
Download the permitted boundary activity application form
2. Provide required information
For a proposal to be eligible for the permitted boundary activity process the following information must be provided:
a description of the proposed activity
a site plan, floor plan and elevations of the proposed building (drawn to scale)
any other information necessary for the Council to check that no other District Plan rules are breached
names and addresses of all owners of the application site and owners of properties with infringed boundaries
3. Written permission from owners and neighbours
You need written approval those owners of the site and owners of properties with infringed boundaries. You should use the notice of written approval form. All owners of properties with an infringed boundary must sign the plans.
4. Receive a decision in 10 working days
If your application is complete and the activity is permitted, we will confirm this in writing within 10 working days.
Complete applications only
We are not able to request further information for this type of application. Incomplete applications will be returned, and need to be resubmitted in full. Submitting a complete application will help to reduce the time and cost involved in processing your application.