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Sed mattis sapien vitae vestibulum faucibus. Mauris dictum diam in vulputate mattis. Donec eu nibh ac lorem sagittis mollis. Fusce aliquam lacinia mollis. In elementum nulla vel magna viverra, eu congue massa tristique. Cras blandit sapien sed imperdiet rutrum. Proin sit amet volutpat leo. Integer sed fringilla felis, a aliquam nunc. Praesent varius, tortor a vulputate egestas, nibh ante suscipit dolor, ut imperdiet nibh augue nec urna. Suspendisse sit amet metus semper, tincidunt enim sit amet, auctor augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus non rhoncus quam, auctor egestas libero. Duis dui enim, aliquam vel consectetur at, finibus vel neque.

rhoncus consecte turquam

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Section 1
Are you supportive, in principle, of discharging treated wastewater to land?
Our next step is targeted engagement with land owners and tangata whenua. This will be followed by wider community engagement. Would you like to participate in that engagement about discharge to land? We will ask for your name and email in the next section.



Last updated: 26 Apr 2024 12:38pm