The Integrated Transport Strategy sets out the District’s priorities to achieve a transport system that will best support the Far North and its people over the next 10-30 years.
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Here you will find a list of our strategies below.

Far North 2100 envisages how the Far North might look in 80 years’ time, based on our vision He Whenua Rangatira – a district of sustainable prosperity and wellbeing.
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In the Far North there are 32 community halls; 20 are owned and funded by the council and 12 are owned and managed by their respective communities without any direct funding from the council.
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The formation of the Northland Transportation Alliance (NTA) has provided the opportunity for a combined regional approach to be agreed and delivered through the adoption of this procurement strategy. The four objectives that formed the basis for the Northland Transport Collaboration Business Case April 2016 and the formation of the NTA, have provided the local focus for the development of this strategy.
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The strategy sets out the intentions and direction to make our region more accessible and responsive to residents and visitors with access needs. It is a high-level document that provides guidance across all councils.
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Toi Mana presents a collective vision for arts, culture, and heritage in the district. It sets out priorities and actions that will help focus our resources and energy to achieve our vision.
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Te Rerenga seeks to cultivate a prosperous, sustainable, and innovative economy for all to partake in its benefits.
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