Toilets - Wharepaku
Waiotararei toilets are temporarily closed due to water supply issues.
Lindvart Park: Kaikohe public toilets are temporarily closed due to blockages.
Waipapa Landing toilets are closed temporarily due to critical pump failures.
Haruru Falls toilets are closed temporarily due to electrical faults.
*The status of these toilets will be updated once further information is available.
If you have identified further issues with any of our Council facilities, please contact us and raise a Request for Service using the link below. In the interim, please seek the next nearest public toilet - these can be found using the map link below.
The council maintains public toilets at various locations throughout the district.
In urban areas, the toilets are open everyday 7.00am-8.00pm. In rural areas, they are open 24 hours.
If you discover any issues with Council-maintained public toilets, please raise these by using our contact form.
Community facilities map
Find public toilet locations from around the district with out map below or open in full-screen mode.