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Alcohol licence application forms

Far North District Council, the Police and Community and Public Health have a responsibility to control how alcohol is sold, supplied and consumed. Hosts, retailers and alcohol suppliers also need to ensure they and their staff have the right training and the correct licences so guests and customers can enjoy alcohol responsibly and within the law.

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A licensee must give notice of the appointment, cancellation or termination of any permanent, temporary or acting duty manager, within 48 hours of the appointment to both the Council’s Alcohol Licensing Team and the Police. The name of the duty manager must always be displayed on the licenced premises when they are working as the duty manager. The duty manager is responsible for compliance.

To apply for a new on licence to sell and supply alcohol for consumption in a premises.

On-licence allows the sale and supply of alcohol for drinking at the specified licensed premises.

Special licence for events temporarily extends the hours or the area of a premises currently licensed, or licences one-off events where no licence is currently held and alcohol will be present at the eve.

Please ensure you apply within the appropriate timeframe as late applications will not be accepted.

Related pages
Special alcohol licence

Last updated: 06 Mar 2025 6:46pm