Club licence allows a club to sell alcohol for drinking on club premises to its members and their guests.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
Far North District Council, the Police and Community and Public Health have a responsibility to control how alcohol is sold, supplied and consumed. Hosts, retailers and alcohol suppliers also need to ensure they and their staff have the right training and the correct licences so guests and customers can enjoy alcohol responsibly and within the law.
Club licence allows a club to sell alcohol for drinking on club premises to its members and their guests.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
If you are applying for an On, Off or Club alcohol licence, you must have a certified Duty Manager who has both a Licence Controller Qualification and a Manager’s Certificate. To renew your alcohol licence you must apply at least 20 days before it expires.
Related pages
Managers Certificate Renewal information
If you are applying for an On, Off or Club alcohol licence, you must have a certified Duty Manager who has both a Licence Controller Qualification and a Manager’s Certificate.
Related pages
Manager's Certificate information
A licensee must give notice of the appointment, cancellation or termination of any permanent, temporary or acting duty manager, within 48 hours of the appointment to both the Council’s Alcohol Licensing Team and the Police. The name of the duty manager must always be displayed on the licenced premises when they are working as the duty manager. The duty manager is responsible for compliance.
Notification for a BYO Event application form.
Off-licence allows the sale and delivery of alcohol for drinking off the premises and the supply of complimentary samples of alcohol on the premises.
Off-licence allows the sale and delivery of alcohol for drinking off the premises and the supply of complimentary samples of alcohol on the premises.
On-licence allows the sale and supply of alcohol for drinking at the specified licensed premises.
When applying for a new alcohol licence, or renewing your current licence, you need to publicly notify your application. This is also required when applying for a variation of conditions of your current licence.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
When applying for a new alcohol licence, or renewing your current licence, you need to publicly notify your application. This is also required when applying for a variation of conditions of your current licence.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
When applying for a new alcohol licence, or renewing your current licence, you need to publicly notify your application. This is also required when applying for a variation of conditions of your current licence.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
When applying for a new alcohol licence, or renewing your current licence, you need to publicly notify your application. This is also required when applying for a variation of conditions of your current licence.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
When applying for a new alcohol licence, or renewing your current licence, you need to publicly notify your application. This is also required when applying for a variation of conditions of your current licence.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
When applying for a new alcohol licence, or renewing your current licence, you need to publicly notify your application. This is also required when applying for a variation of conditions of your current licence.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
Club licence allows a club to sell alcohol for drinking on club premises to its members and their guests.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
Club licence allows a club to sell alcohol for drinking on club premises to its members and their guests.
Related pages
Apply for a new alcohol licence
Apply to renew an alcohol licence
Special licence for events temporarily extends the hours or the area of a premises currently licensed, or licences one-off events where no licence is currently held and alcohol will be present at the eve.
Please ensure you apply within the appropriate timeframe as late applications will not be accepted.
Related pages
Special alcohol licence
Temporary authority allows the new owner of a licensed premise to trade on an existing licence until they obtain a new licence in their own name.
Variation or Cancellation of Conditions - Section 120 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
Related pages
Varying your licence conditions
When a business applies for an on-licence, off-licence, or club licence, new or renewed, they are required to publicly notify it.
Last updated: 06 Mar 2025 6:46pm