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Swimming pool fencing

Following the repeal of The Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 the requirements to install barriers around pools, to protect young children from the dangers of unfenced swimming pools, is now covered under the Building Act and the New Zealand Building clause Code F9. The Act and Building Code set out the types of barriers/fencing or other requirements you need to have around your pool. It is a requirement that all spa pools, hot tubs and swimming pools in our district are registered. Although some spa type pools with lockable lids are exempt from the requirements for fences certain other criteria apply. Pools such as blow up type pools, even if only temporary, require barriers to safeguard children under fiver years old.

Private swimming pools are the single most significant water hazard for pre-school children. Studies in New Zealand and overseas have shown that most drownings involve the children of pool owners and visitors, rather than wandering children. A boundary fence is not a satisfactory safety measure – the immediate pool area also needs to be fenced.

Read the Inspection for Residential  Pools guidelines here.

Pool owners must advise Council that they have a pool on their property. You need a Building Consent before constructing any type of pool or building or altering a fence/barrier around a pool. Empty pools can also be hazardous and care should be taken to ensure no one can fall into an empty pool.

Last updated: 13 Aug 2024 2:36pm