Find streaming services here with thousands of award-winning films and programmes, including documentaries, classic movies, world cinema and New Zealand films.
Beamafilm lets you stream indie films, search by genre, view trailers and has links for Q&A's and interview.
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Be entertained by Kanopy a video streaming service with thousands of award-winning films and programmes, including documentaries, classic movies, world cinema and New Zealand films.
Sign up for Kanopy here.
Kanopy is free to use with your library card barcode and pin. Kanopy works by using credits. Each month you will get 5 credits.
How credits work:
- Each library member gets five play credits per calendar month
- Once you press play, you will automatically use one play credit
- You have three days to play the film you have selected, watch as many times as you want
- When you have used your credits for the month, you won't be able to watch any more films until the first of the next month.
Watch Kanopy on your computer or download the app to your tv or mobile device.
Find Kanopy help here.