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VIDEO - New Kaikohe Library site blessed

A building project that promises to transform the centre of Kaikohe was officially launched this morning by iwi and hapū, community leaders and council representatives.

The early morning ceremony blessed the site where a new public library will be built at the intersection of Broadway and Raihara Street.

Demolition of two vacant buildings that currently occupy the site – the former Save Mart second-hand shop and Petersen Motors showrooms – will begin next Monday (15 July). This work is due to be completed by early September.

Representatives of ngā hapū o Kaikohe officiated during the service, which included community members, councillors Babe Kapa, Tamati Rākena and Deputy Mayor Kelly Stratford, as well as council CEO Guy Holroyd and a representative from Far North Holdings Limited (FNHL).

FNHL has been appointed to project manage clearing the site and building the new library. It will work closely with hapū, iwi, the community, council staff and councillors throughout the project.

A start date for the construction of the new build will be confirmed once the design phase is complete, which is expected to take around five months.

Kōwhai Stratford reminded the gathering that the project had been discussed for many years. She said that appointment of Far North Holdings had been a crucial step in moving the project from the drawing board to preparation of the site.

The existing Kaikohe Library will remain open at its current location for the majority of the construction project, which is expected to start next year.

Find out more about the Kaikohe Library Project on the council’s website.

Watch our video about the blessing below.

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