What's abuzz at Procter Library?

You wouldn’t believe the sticky situation the Procter Library in Kerikeri was left in when an unwelcome swarm moved in.
The place was a hive of activity when the bees’ residence was discovered embedded in the soffit area of the library’s roof. But they hadn’t booked their place and following a catalogue of complaints library staff knew they were overdue for removal.
The team from Accurate Roofing was buzzed in and assisted by a local beekeeper, they took the sting out of the situation by safely removing the hive and all its residents on Tuesday 4 February.
The team made their way onto the roof via boom lift, pulling the roofing iron back to reveal a large hive. Redlight and smoke were used to calm the bees, followed by a vacuum for safe collection of the colony. If left any longer, contractors said the hive could have fallen through the gib board ceiling indicated by cracks that started to form due to the weight of the hive.
The colony’s removal, which took place after hours, means patrons can once again browse and borrow books without getting a bee in their bonnet.
Picture below: Accurate roofing team making their way onto the Procter Library roof.