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Fees and Charges

This consultation is now closed.  Submissions were open for four weeks from 24 March 2023.

The council reviews and adjusts fees and charges annually. In most cases, increases are limited to the Local Government Cost Index (inflation factor), forecast at 4.2 per cent for 2023/24, except this year we are proposing:

  • Amendments to Resource Consent fee structures
  • Introduction of new fees for Engineering Plan Approvals, pre-application and concept meetings, and the Food Control Programme
  • Removal of several fees
  • Increasing vehicle crossing and building consent processing fees to reflect actual cost
  • Correction of a clerical error in 2022/23

Resource Consent fees can only be set following the Special Consultative Procedure as prescribed by section 83 of the Local Government Act, which requires adoption of a Statement of Proposal for the proposed changes. Refer to section 36 of RMA for further details.

Share your feedback

To share your feedback, you can complete the online survey, email submissions@fndc.govt.nz, deliver your written submission to any council service centre, or post your written submission to Far North District Council, Private Bag 752, Kaikohe 0440, Attention: Fees and Charges submission. If you would like to submit verbally, let us know via email to submissions@fndc.govt.nz or call 0800 920 029 and ask to speak to the Corporate Planning or Engagement team.