Proposed lease in Ōkaihau

This consultation is now closed. Submissions were open for four weeks from Thursday 26 January 2023.
Ōkaihau Whanau House has approached Council and requested a ground lease over reserve land at 3 Michie Street, Ōkaihau. We are seeking community feedback to understand if the community supports or opposes this proposed lease.
Ōkaihau Whanau House is a non-profit organisation wanting to provide a safe and healthy environment for whanau to meet and create together. The main purpose of the group is to provide certified playgroups, a space for community group gatherings and after school classes to the community of Ōkaihau and surrounding areas.
Ōkaihau Whanau House plan on making significant capital investment into the building to bring it up to a useable standard. They require long-term tenure of the land to justify future investment into the building. The proposed lease term is a 5-year lease with two further 5-year rights to renewal. The certified play groups for 0–6-year old's 2-3 mornings per week will be the main source of income to maintain the building and grounds.