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Te Hiku Concept Improvement Plans

This consultation is now closed.  Submissions were open for six weeks from Tuesday 21 February 2023.

Te Hiku Community Board has commissioned concept improvement plans to identify a vision for the future of recreational and community living in Hihi, Doubtless Bay, Karikari Peninsula and Houhora/Pukenui areas. We want to hear what you think about these draft improvement plans as people who live, work and play in Hihi, Coopers Beach, Taipa, Karikari Peninsula and Rangiputa.

NB: Te Hiku Community Board hosted a meeting regarding the Pukenui and Houhora plan in May last year.

The improvement plans have been drafted as a starting point and aim to create connectivity between council reserves. We want your feedback to understand how you want these spaces to function and to improve the draft plans further.