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Closed consultations

Here you can find our past consultations.

We're looking for feedback on the Control of Earthworks Bylaw 2019. The bylaw manages earthworks to protect the public, environment and neighbouring properties.
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We are seeking your feedback on the Concept Plan that will inform the  Draft Simson Park Reserve Management Plan.  This plan builds on the big ideas and input received from the community earlier this year and focuses on identifying potential development areas within the park, alongside key improvements that require further analysis
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We’re proposing a new Keeping of Animals Bylaw to help manage issues caused by animals in our community. We want to hear what you think! Your feedback will help us create a bylaw that works for everyone.
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We are asking for feedback on our Speed Management Plan, which proposes to lower the speed around all schools, marae, downtown, and in both urban and rural areas within the Russell-Kororāreka catchment area. This catchment includes the communities of Russell, Ōkiato, Rāwhiti, Waikare, and Kāretu.
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The LTP is the council's key strategic planning document, which will set out what we plan to do in the next three years and how we will pay for it.
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We are seeking feedback on a proposal to grant a new 30-year ground lease for Te Rarawa Rugby Club over part of the Rarawa Memorial Domain Recreation Reserve in Ahipara.
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Last updated: 07 May 2024 11:59am