This will be a significant project to help resolve longstanding flooding problems experienced by property owners and tenants in the Commerce Street vicinity, especially following heavy rains. We will realign several stormwater pipes and renew others that are failing. Many of these pipes are located on private property and some run beneath buildings located within the project area.
The work will affect several properties on West Lane, Taaffe Street and possibly Puckey Avenue. The Old Pak ’n Save parking area off Commerce Street will also be impacted.
While this work is unlikely to begin before the first quarter of 2023, we want all affected property owners and tenants to be aware of the project well in advance so that they can factor this work into planning.
We are working with iwi/hapū with an interest in the rohe and we will be in touch with property owners and tenants affected by this project.
Project Documents
Will my business have to close while work is underway?
No. We will tell you when work will begin well in advance so disruption to your customers or deliveries can be kept to a minimum. We will discuss work details with each property owner to assess needs before beginning.
Will I have to pay for any of the work?
No, the Council is funding this work through Long Term Plan budgets. These costs are shared by all ratepayers in Kaitāia. [link to rates information].
What will the work look like?
In most cases, we will dig a trench about 0.5m-1m wide to uncover the stormwater pipe. After the pipe is replaced, we will backfill the trench. This should take 2-3 days.
Will my property be left in the same condition after work is completed?
Yes, we will reinstate the area affected by our work like for like i.e. grass will be resown or concrete laid where it was removed.
Will I be compensated for inconvenience / loss of business?
No. We will work with you to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum.
How long will it take?
The whole project will take up to six months to complete, but individual properties will only be impacted for a few days once work begins.
When will work happen?
First half of 2023.
How much notice will I be given?
We aim to give you at least three months’ notice before work begins. We will then be in contact with each property owner in the days before work begins to confirm start dates.
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